Your Opinions Solicited
What did you think?
We'd like your opinions of our latest programme. Let us know what you think of the productions we put on, good or bad. What did you think of the over all spread of productions? Was there enough to interest you? Do you have any plays, bands, musicals, shows, etc, you would like to see put on at the Theatre? Let us know. Please e-mail any thoughts to:
This is your chance to influence the programme! Iain Reddihough
Your responses
19 Feb 2022 22:57
Jude Bridgwater
Went to see the the panto Dick Whittington on Saturday 19th February. Absolutely amazing, grandkids loved it, big shout out to the performers fantastic performance.
26 Sep 2015 13:04
carolyn & phil longville
What a fantastic night we had with the Desperado tribute last night.....they get better each time......cant wait for next year!!!!
04 Jun 2013 11:49
PHIL morgan
can\'t wait for simply Dylan gig best bandive seen
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