The Bootleg Jam
formed three years ago. From the opening chord of their
first rehearsal, it was clear that the band had serious potential. Most
importantly, though, the shared enthusiasm of playing the songs of a band
they all admire – minus any ego – was the musical ‘shot in the arm’ they
were looking for.
However, just as the band were beginning to gather momentum and
generate interest from venues and promoters, Covid-19 happened.
Frustratingly, this meant that their progress towards building a successful
online presence and live following was hindered significantly.
Until now that is…
Everyone in the band is avid fan of The Jam. They’re all passionate about
authentically replicating their legendary and hugely influential back
catalogue with ‘Fire and Skill’, as the band themselves did so brilliantly in their pomp.
The Bootleg Jam are:
Mark Anderson (Bass and vocals
“The music of the Jam came into my life at around eleven-years-old, when I first started taking music seriously.
It occurred to me inlater years how lucky we were.
We love being able to carry the flame for such an iconic British band. It’s an absolute blast.”
Paul Jarrett (Drums and occasional BVs)
“I’ve been drumming since I was thirteen-years-old, when my late Dad bought me my first drum kit.
It was drummers like Rick Buckler, John Bradbury (The Specials) and Mark Brzezicki (Big Country, The Cult) who first inspired me to pick-up a pair of drum
sticks in the first place, so now having the opportunity to pay homage to Rick’s great playing in
The Bootleg Jam is an absolute pleasure and privilege.
Between 1998 and 2013, I played drums with The Upbeat Beatles, an opportunity that allowed me to travel the world and play for a
range of clients such as IBM and the Jordanian Royal Family. I also play drums with tvfordogs, a London-based alt. rock band.
We’ve released five albums, the latest of which – ‘I onIy wanted to make you cry’ – is available here:”
Paul Moroney (Guitar and vocals)
“I first saw the Jam play at the 100 club in August 1977 when I was thirteen-years-old – I was sold. After my teens and twenties,
playing in originals bands as the main songwriter and singer, I “fell” into the Beatle tribute world in the early 1990s (Lennon), the
highlight of which was playing to 104,000 people at McKenzie Park in Lubbock, Texas backed by a 144-piece orchestra. After a
three-year hiatus, I decided to dip my toes back in the water with my pals to form the second best band in the world – The Bootleg Jam.”
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